An Example KDB File for Ni-14Al (at%) Alloy
Reference Folder: $Pandat_Installation_Folder\Pandat 2022 Examples\PanPrecipitation\Ni-14%Al\Ni-14Al_Precipitation.kdb
This KDB file defines the kinetic parameters for the L12_Fcc (γ’) phase in the Ni-Al binary system at the Ni-rich side. The matrix phase is Fcc_A1 (γ) phase. The detail explanations of kinetic parameters are listed in Table 4 in Section PanPrecipitation tables. This KDB file can be used for multi-component Ni-based superalloys as well, but some of the key parameters, such as the interfacial energy, and/or nucleation site parameter, may need to be calibrated accordingly. The molar volume and atomic spacing for various types of crystal structures can be found or estimated following reference of ASM handbook. The interfacial energy between γ and γ’ for nickel alloys is usually in the range of 0.02-0.035 J/m2, it is given as a constant in this example. Interfacial energy can be estimated as discussed in Section Precipitation Nucleation, and an example is given in the Section An Example KDB File for Ni-14Al (at%) Alloy Using the Calculated Interfacial Energy.
<Alloy name="NI-14Al_KWN">
<MatrixPhase name="Fcc">
<ParameterTable type="kinetic" name="Parameters for gamma">
<Parameter type="Molar_Volume" value="7.1E-6"
description="Molar Volume" />
</ParameterTable >
<PrecipitatePhase name="L12_FCC" model="KWN" morphology="Sphere"
nucleation="Modified_Homo" growth="SFFK">
<ParameterTable type="kinetic" name="Parameters for Gamma_prime">
<Parameter type="Molar_Volume" value="7.1E-6"
description="Molar Volume" />
<Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy" value="0.025"
description="Interfacial Energy" />
<Parameter type="Atomic_Spacing" value="3.621E-10"
description="Atomic Spacing" />
<Parameter type="Nucleation_Site_Parameter" value="0.001"
description= "Nucleation Site Parameter" />
</ParameterTable >
</PrecipitatePhase >
</MatrixPhase >
</Alloy >